As an industry thought leader I write a lot of articles for industry publications, magazines and social media. I also occasionally appear in videos or speak at conferences. The following is a small selection of coverage:
Panellist - The Great Telco Debate 2022
The Great Telco Debate - "Digital Service Providers...are we there yet?"
Joined the annual Great Telco Debate as a panellist on one of the key debates looking at whether the industry had truly made the transition to the world of Digital Service Providers. The conclusion was: "No"

Digital Marketing Training - Lloyds Bank
Bristol Tech Week 2019 - Panel Session and Video
In 2019 I took part in a pilot Digital Marketing training course run by Lloyds Bank. The course was excellent and I joined a panel session at Bristol Tech Week 2019 to talk about the importance of continuous development.
Later three panellists briefed the main board of Lloyds TSB on the programme.
NFV Interview at SCTE - Light Reading
Video Interview with Alan Breznick at SCTE, Philadelphia on 2 Nov 2016
This was one of the hardest live interviews I've ever done. Twelve minutes on the exhibition floor talking about a detailed technical topic without notes. At one point I had a complete blank. Alan, being a consummate professional, gave me time to recover and the rest of the interview went well.

Heroes Amongst Us - Authority Magazine
Article by Marco Derhy in Authority Magazine - 29 April 2020.
Authority Magazine is running a series of interviews with former service personnel now working in industry. This interview focused on my military background and the lessons I learned that apply in my day to day life.
A fun interview. Slightly embarrassed by the photo of a much younger me.
NFV/SDN Business Case - Interview at TMF Live in Nice.
Interview with Dawn Bushaus from TM Forum on 11 May 2016.
A joint interview with Larry Goldman from Analysys Mason on the latest NFV/SDN business case research commissioned by me. The research investigated the impact of NFV on Content Distribution Networks (CDN) and demonstrated that NFV could drive serious cost savings in the industry.
5 Things you should know to create a successful app or SaaS - Authority Magazine
Article by Mitch Russo in Medium Magazine 6 Dec 2019.
A series of articles with start-up or scale-up companies looking at important lessons. As Marketing Director you sometimes end up doing interviews on behalf of other people. The article was well received.
Network as a Managed Service - European Communications
European Communications - NFV/SDN and Managed Services Day 3 Dec 2014
A video of my presentation on Small Cell Roll-Out as a service as NFV/SDN Marketing Director at Amdocs. A great fun conference, and very enjoyable.

Article on Digital Watermarking - IABM Journal
Article written by me for the IABM Journal 107 - 4Q2018
This was an article written on the use of Digital Watermarking to combat video content piracy in the media industry. The article highlights that as with banknotes anti-piracy countermeasures for a continuous game of cat and mouse

Orchestrating the Virtual - Making NFV a Reality.
Interview with Telecoms.com on 5 Oct 2015
A thought leadership piece on NFV/SDN Orchestration as Amdocs launched its NFV Orchestration solution to market. As company spokes person I gave several interviews on the topic.

Agile OSS - OSS evolution beyond NFV
Thought Leadership Article written for the TM Forum by me October 2015
Leading NFV/SDN marketing at Amdocs I was responsible for positioning the company's technical vision and product strategy on the evolution from static OSS systems to dynamic or "Agile OSS".
Virtual TV - Presentation to SDN Congress
Slide-share Presentation given to SDN Congress 12 Oct 2016 in The Hague
Speaking at the Layer 123 SDN Congress in the Netherlands I presented the latest research I commissioned on the NFV/SDN Business Case for Content Delivery networks.

Vanilla+ Interview
Thought Leadership interview by George Malim at Vanilla+ on 26 Jun 2016
Interview with veteran journalist George Malim on the evolution of OSS to support future needs of flexibility and agility. Face to face interview based on my media plan for the launch of Amdocs NFV portfolio.